Mike Sigman Workshop, 2024
to 17 Mar

Mike Sigman Workshop, 2024

The training and development of the Qi is ubiquitous in the Asian martial arts.  One of the main famous offshoots of qi/ki is the manipulation of force directions in the body (using the mind/will/intent) called jin (Chinese) or kokyu (Japanese).  This workshop by Mike Sigman will cover how to develop and demonstrate the basic skills of jin and also a large amount of time will be devoted in showing how and why the ki of the body is developed through various breathing exercises and movement exercises.  This will not be a workshop of teaching forms and choreography: this workshop will clarify what the qi and jin are, how to feel them and isolate them, and how to develop them.   While rudimentary jin will be fairly easy to demonstrate, the functional qi/ki is somewhat harder to grasp initially, but we’ll illuminate it as well as possible and show the how and why of developing if further for yourself, after you leave the workshop and engage in your own practice of martial arts and qigongs/kiko.

REQUIRED: You'll need a Taiji Bang for the workshop.

If you have wooden one then please bring with you. If you need quick solution, a piece of PVC pipe 15 inches long and about 1.5 inches in diameter will make a perfectly suitable Bang (38 cm long – 3.8 cm in diameter for the metric measurements).
The outside of the pipe needs to be scuffed a little bit so that it’s not so glossy - you can use a piece of very coarse sandpaper.

Mike Sigman Workshop, 2024
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Lisa Tomoleoni Shihan in the UK, 2023
to 29 Oct

Lisa Tomoleoni Shihan in the UK, 2023

Lisa Tomoleoni Shihan returns to Chishin Dojo in the UK once again to lead another 3-day seminar. Lisa sensei spent close to 14 years teaching and training in Japan and is the only female leader of a Hombu Dojo / Aikikai group.

Lisa sensei's Aikido is wonderful, powerful and direct, her knowledge and teaching skills are in a class of her own due to her extensive knowledge of both Japanese culture and Aikido technique. You will very likely be challenged to step outside of your comfort zone in order to grow over the 3 days.

Do not miss out!

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Ikeda Sensei in the UK, 2023
to 23 Apr

Ikeda Sensei in the UK, 2023

Ikeda Sensei returns to the UK for his first seminar since 2019.

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Lisa Tomoleoni in the UK, 2018
to 29 Jul

Lisa Tomoleoni in the UK, 2018

Lisa Tomoleoni sensei returns to the UK this July for another 3 days of exceptional teaching and training. Lisa sensei is a teacher of rare ability who brings about change in your aikido and how you practice & approach your own training. This is not
to be missed. Lisa sensei was awarded her 6 dan directly by Doshu himself and she is the only female leader of an Aikikai group encompassing many dojo worldwide.

The Friday DAY is a teachers intensive with the seminar starting formally at 7pm. The intensive is open to anyone interested in teaching, irrespective of rank. Please let us know if you intend to come along for the intensive.

FRI: 10:30 - 16:00 [INTENSIVE]
FRI: 16:30 - 18:00 [DAN TESTING]
FRI: 19:00 - 21:00 [SEMINAR START]

SAT: 10:30 - 13:00 [AIKIDO]
SAT: 13:00 - 14:30 [LUNCH]
SAT: 14:30 - 17:00 [AIKIDO]

SUN: 11:00 - 13:00 [AIKIDO]
SUN: 13:00 - 14:30 [LUNCH]
SUN: 14:30 - 16:00 [AIKIDO]

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Mike Sigman in the UK, 2017 (SCOTLAND)
to 29 Oct

Mike Sigman in the UK, 2017 (SCOTLAND)

  • Fred Paton Day Care Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mike Sigman returns to the UK for 2 consectutive workshops in England and Scotland. These workshops are intended for people with an understanding of Jin and other 6H movement principles. A limited scope has been chosen for these workshops and will be worked on repetitively.

The content of the workshop will run across both days, anyone attending just one day should plan for Saturday as Sundays classes will directly relate to the previous days content.

To quote Ikeda sensei "Mike is very important for Aikido, if you can't see the Taiji in Aikido then you need better eyes".

Cost: £130.

Silk Reeling / Pool Noodling / Cando Bar
Push Hands
Jin / Qi Thingies (TM).

Link for tickets

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Mike Sigman in the UK, 2017 (ENGLAND)
to 22 Oct

Mike Sigman in the UK, 2017 (ENGLAND)

Mike Sigman returns to the UK for 2 consectutive workshops in England and Scotland. These workshops are intended for people with an understanding of Jin and other 6H movement principles. A limited scope has been chosen for these workshops and will be worked on repetitively.

The content of the workshop will run across both days, anyone attending just one day should plan for Saturday as Sundays classes will directly relate to the previous days content.

To quote Ikeda sensei "Mike is very important for Aikido, if you can't see the Taiji in Aikido then you need better eyes".

Cost: £130.

Silk Reeling / Pool Noodling / Cando Bar
Push Hands
Jin / Qi Thingies (TM).

Link for tickets

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Taiko Drumming / Kagami Biraki Celebration
11:30 am11:30

Taiko Drumming / Kagami Biraki Celebration

Come break mochi with us and celebrate by making a LOT of noise! This is the third visit from James Barrow of Taiko West to our dojo to lead a Taiko Drumming workshop. James is the only Taiko teacher in the UK to have been awarded Menkyo Kaiden (license of total transmission) from a Japanese teacher.

We will have some sessions for the younger kids and families and then afterwards it's the adults turn (any kids not worn out can join in too).

In Japan, mochi was traditionally made at home, but most families today buy it ready-made. Over the holidays, a pair of round mochi (kagami mochi) the size of small plates -- one a little larger than the other -- is stacked on a stand and placed in a household Shinto or Buddhist altar or tokonoma as an offering to the deities that visit on New Year's. 

If you've never eaten Mochi - it's delicious! There'll also be Pulled Pork and a vegetarian offering too.

Kids - £10, Adults £20, Family Tickets £40.

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Mike Sigman in the UK
to 9 Oct

Mike Sigman in the UK

Mike Sigman returns to the UK for 2 consectutive workshops in England and Scotland. These workshops are intended for people with an understanding of Jin and other 6H movement principles. A limited scope has been chosen for these workshops and will be worked on repetitively.

The content of the workshop will run across both days, anyone attending just one day should plan for Saturday as Sundays classes will directly relate to the previous days content.

Cost: £130.

Jin & Jin Usages
Internal Strength Exercises
Power Generation
Standing Post - How & Why

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Coventry Internal Strength Friendship Seminar
to 5 Jul

Coventry Internal Strength Friendship Seminar

John Burn

John will be leading a workshop focussed on the internal strength work of Mike Sigman, the Saturday is informal - no dogi’s needed, just shorts / trousers and t-shirts. On Sunday we’re putting into practice the material covered on Saturday so usual Aikido attire is ok. We are having a BBQ at the dojo on Saturday evening - from 18:00.

July 4, 11:00 - 17:00

July 5, 11:00 - 16:00


Seminar cost - £25

BBQ - £5 

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to 3 May

Ikeda sensei in the UK, 2015

Ikeda sensei returns to the UK once more, again as our guest. Spaces are already limited.


Please note - our refund policy is as follows - 

8 Weeks Notice - FULL REFUND (minus PayPal Fees if applicable)
4 Weeks Notice - 50% REFUND (minus PayPal Fees if applicable)
7 Days Notice - ZERO REFUND

If there are any extensive health reasons for you cancelling within the 7 day period we will do our best to offer a refund.

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Ikeda sensei in the UK, 2014
to 20 Apr

Ikeda sensei in the UK, 2014

Ikeda sensei 2014 will be held on our own dojo this year - we're limiting spaces to 50 people and at the moment only offering the full 4 day seminar.

This is a rare opportunity to spend 4 full days with so few people with sensei in Europe.


Spaces are filling up fast - we're already over 50% fully booked - this is the ONE seminar to not miss this year.


Please click the link on the top right of the page for booking information.

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Shinkendo - Byron Shepherd
12:30 pm12:30

Shinkendo - Byron Shepherd

Please join us for a seminar looking at Shinkendo and other related arts.

The Shinkendo school emphasizes very traditional and effective swordsmanship, which with serious training, leads to both practical ability as well as an understanding of classical martial arts. Shinkendo is steeped in the traditions of the samurai, in such ways as Heiho (strategy), Reiho (proper Bushido etiquette) and philosophy. Toshishiro Obata Kaiso is the founder, director and chief instructor of The Kokusai Shinkendo Renmei (International Shinkendo Federation), an organization dedicated to teaching authentic Japanese swordsmanship.

Byron Shepherd is the only direct student of Toshishiro Obata Kaiso in the UK, and travels frequently to train with him in the honbu dojo. As a direct student of Obata Kaiso, Shepherd Sensei has had the distinct privilege of learning Aikibujutsu, Shinkendo and Bojutsu Tanrendo directly from the founder of the arts.

Cost is £15 in advance, £20 on the day. Snacks and refreshments included.


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10:30 am10:30

Open Aikido Seminar

The second of many regular open Aikido seminars based at our dojo. The theme this time is old friends :).

3 teachers so far. Teaching in no particular order are -

John Burn - Chishin Dojo
Martin Barradell - Phoenix Aikido Club
Kevan Poundes - Keihatsu Aikido Club

£10 for the day - drinks & snacks included.


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