New Dojo Training Times & Class Length Survey for existing dojo members... Name * First Name Last Name Email Address * Phone * Please add your mobile number to this - it's the easiest way for us to let you know the latest news or other important events. Best Day(s) * Please pick the best days for you to train. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Best Start Time(s) * Please pick the best class start times (only pick a weekend class if you've ticked the box above to say you can make one). 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 10:30 SAT 12:00 SAT 13:00 SAT 14:00 SAT 10:30 SUN 12:00 SUN 13:00 SUN 14:00 SUN Class Length * Please highlight the most suitable class length that you'd either be prepared to take part in or that you can make. 1.5 hours 2 hours 3 hours (weekend only) Thank you! Dojo News, Class NewsJohn Burn29 April 2013Chishin DojoNewDojo1 Comment Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr 0 Likes